News Release
Two Weeks Left to Apply for FEMA Individual Assistance
Helena, Mont. – Montana residents with uninsured losses resulting from June’s severe storms and flooding have until August 29, 2022 to apply for FEMA disaster assistance.
Homeowners and renters in Carbon, Park, Stillwater, and Yellowstone County can apply for FEMA assistance online at disasterassistance.gov, by calling 800-621-3362 or by using the FEMA mobile app. If you use a relay service, such as video relay (VRS), captioned telephone or other service, give FEMA the number for that service.
As of August 15:
Disaster Recovery Centers in the following locations can help with applications and provide face-to-face information and guidance about disaster assistance:
Long-term, low-interest disaster loans for homeowners, renters, businesses, and nonprofits from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) may be available to cover losses not fully compensated by insurance or other sources.
Homeowners and renters should submit an SBA disaster loan application even if they are not sure they will need or want a loan. If SBA cannot approve your application, in most cases you will be referred to FEMA’s Other Needs Assistance program for possible additional assistance.
August 29, 2022 is the deadline to apply to the SBA for physical property damage. The deadline to apply for economic injury is March 30, 2023.
SBA is operating Business Recovery Centers (BRC) where applicants can meet with SBA representatives and get help applying for any of SBA’s low-interest disaster loans. BRCs are open in the following locations:
Applicants may apply online using the Electronic Loan Application (ELA) via the SBA’s secure website at disasterloanassistance.sba.gov/ela. For more information or assistance with SBA disaster assistance please contact SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov. For people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services.
For an accessible video on how to apply for FEMA assistance, go to youtube.com/watch?v=WZGpWI2RCNw.
If you have additional questions, contact the disaster assistance helpline at 800-621-3362 to speak with a representative or visit a disaster recovery center. To find a location near you, visit FEMA.gov/DRC.
Contact the FEMA Mitigation Helpline at 833-FEMA-4-US (833-336-2487) for information on resilient building practices. Mitigation specialists are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MDT. You can also email the team at FEMA-R8-Hmhelp@fema.dhs.gov.
For more information about FEMA’s support to Montana’s flooding and severe storms recovery, visit www.fema.gov/disaster/4655. Follow the FEMA Region 8 Twitter account at https://twitter.com/femaregion8.
FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters.
Carol A. Garcia
Deployed to DR-4655 MT
Intergovernmental Affairs Manager
Tribal Liaison| External Affairs | Region 8
Office: (303) 202-8959 | Mobile: (720) 415-4816
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Open til 6 pm.
If you were affected by the flood in any way stop buy for your discounted tickets